Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Different types of allergies people experience in different seasons

Do you know 50 million people suffer seasonal allergies every year in the United States? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, allergies due to seasonal change is one of the major causes of chronic illnesses in the US. Around 8 percent of people were diagnosed with hay fever. It's very important to take the proper treatment of allergies as they may cause a lot of other problems in the future. In this blog, we have mentioned some of the types of allergies that occur in a specific season.
  • Spring- It's the season when new flowers and leaves grow. It is a fresh as well as warm weather which almost everybody likes. Even birds and animals love this season a lot. But several people get infected in the spring season. It is seen that some people have allergies from certain kinds of flowers, weeds, and grasses. Basically, the main culprit is the tree pollen that comes out from the specimens such as- poplar tree, oak, birch, etc. People allergic to the dust can have higher chances of allergic symptoms.
  • Summer- In the summer season, the grasses release the pollen which is followed by the weeds. In late summer, people get more allergic to the weeds. In North America, a kind of weed named ragweed affects many people. These allergies lead to hay fever, rhinitis, etc. So, it's better to check them on time and treat them from the allergy specialists in NJ.
  • Fall season- This is the peak season for allergies. It is late summers or you can associate it with the month of November. Maximum people get the allergies in this season. Some of the common types of allergies include- sagebrush, goldenrod, and mugwort.
  • Winters- Winters are known for the dry weather which increases various types of allergies in the country. Asthma is one of the problems that targets a lot of people. Generally people suffering from complain of loss of breath. Winters accelerate the different types of ailments related to respiratory such as- dry, cracked and irritated nose.
If you experience any kind of allergy in any particular season, you must consult allergy specialist in NJ. NJ doctor urgent care treat every kind of allergy and provide the best treatment for them. For more information, visit our website.